Walter Crane (15 August 1845 – 14 March 1915)

Walter Crane, Britomart 1900.

Walter Crane, A Masque for the Four Seasons 1905-1909.

Walter Crane, A Dream (The Road to Eternity) 1902.

Walter Crane, Ruth and Boaz 1863.

Walter Crane, Ruthless Beauty 1865.

Walter Crane, The Fate of Persephone  1877.

Walter Crane, The Seasons (Another Version).

Walter Crane, Diana and Endymion 1883.

Walter Crane, The Lady of Shalott 1862.

Walter Crane, The Grave of Keats 1873.

The painting depicts the grave of John Keats, which is in the Roman, 
non-Catholic cemetery. He was an English poet who died at the age of 25.

Walter Crane, Spring 1883.

Walter Crane, Winter 1870.

Walter Crane, Under the Palms at the Galle 
Face, Ceylon 1907.

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