John Martin (19 July 1789 – 17 February 1854)

John Martin, The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah 1852.

John Martin, The End of the World, commonly known as The Great Day of
 His Wrath 1851–1853.

Some authors have used the painting as the front cover for their books;
 examples include Mass of the Apocalypse and Studies in the Book of Revelation.
The painting is one of three works that together form a triptych entitled The Last Judgement.

John Martin, Calvary 1830-1840.

John Martin, Pandemonium 1841.

The Pandemonium of 1841 goes back to a passage in the first book 
of Milton's Paradise Lost, in which "Pandemonium, the palace of Satan,
 rises suddenly built out of the deep."

John Martin, Destruction of Tyre 1840.

John Martin, Belshazzar's Feast 1854.

The Biblical episode depicted in the painting – Belshazzar's Feast – is
 described in the Book of Daniel chapter 5. The Babylonian king Belshazzar 
is said to have defiled the sacred vessels of the enslaved Israelites by
 using them to serve wine at a banquet. The feast was then disturbed 
by the appearance of a divine hand, which wrote a glowing inscription on a wall – the writing on the wall – which was interpreted by the prophet Daniel as a portent of Belshazzar's doom. Belshazzar was killed that night, and Darius the Mede 
succeeded to his kingdom.

John Martin, Manfred and the Alpine Witch 1837.

John Martin, The Plains of Heaven 1851.

The third work in the triptych, The Plains of Heaven was intended 
to be hung to the left of The Last Judgement, and continues the pastoral
 landscape occupied by the "saved" on the left side of the central image.

John Martin, The Destruction of Pompei and Herculaneum 1821.

John Martin, The Last Judgement 1853.

The work reflects the text of the 
Book of Revelation, which states that the Book of Judgement is sealed 
with seven seals, and describes the events that take places as each seal is broken. 
The breaking of the sixth seal triggers "the great day of his wrath" depicted 
in the second painting, followed by the last judgement after the seventh 
seal is broken.

John Martin, The Last Man 1849.

John Martin, Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon 1840.

John Martin, Macbeth 1820.

John Martin, Ruins of an Ancient City 1810.

John Martin, Seventh Plague of Egypt 1823.