Jan Matejko (24 June 1838 – 1 November 1893)

Jan Matejko, Stanchik 1862.

The painting depicts Stanchik (pl. Stańczyk) - the court jester of
Lithuanian Grand Dukes and Polish Kings Alexander Jagellon,
Sigismund I the Old and Sigismund II August.
His real name may have been Stanislav Gusa, or Stanislav
Wassota. He achieved his privileged position at the royal
court through his wit and used his status as a jester to mercilessly
criticize the short-sighted policies of the overlords.

Jan Matejko, Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Conversation with God 1872.

Jan Matejko, Introduction of Christianity in A.D. 965, from the 
Cycle "History of Civilization in Poland" 1889.

Jan Matejko, Victory of John III Sobieski King of Poland against 
the Turks at the Battle of Vienna.

Jan Matejko, Polonia II 1861.

Jan Matejko, Blind Veit Stoss (pl. Wit Stwosz) with His

Jan Matejko, The Poisoning of Queen Bona 1859.

Jan Matejko, Hungarian Kinga 1892.

Jan Matejko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky
with Tugay Bey at Lviv 1885.

Jan Matejko, Bard of the Ukrainian Lyricist.

Jan Matejko, Queen Jadwiga of Poland.

Jan Matejko, Reading the Death Sentence.

Jan Matejko, Sigismund II
Augustus and Barbara Radziwillowna 1871.

Jan Matejko, Ivan the Terrible.

Jan Matejko, Michal Sedziwoj Doing Alchemical Experiments in
the Presence of Sigismund III 1873.

Jan Matejko, Jan Kazimierz in Bielany 1867.

Jan Matejko, Death of King Przemysł II 1875.

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